Perhaps I'm Talented In Yoyoing.

When reading the Shawn's Looping Guides, I discovered the following which surprises me a lots:

The biggest thing is that the yo-yo actually flips over ever time the yo-yo reaches your hand and gets thrown back out.

Have I ever known that yo-yos actually flips over when looping! At the time when I was enthusiastic in yo-yo, I believed that yo-yos should always stay straight when looping, and so I looped in a way that the yo-yo never flips over. How stupid I was to do it. It seems to be the reason why looping is one of my weakest parts in yo-yoing.

On the other hand, it also seems to be astonishing that I could loop for over 200 times, in the difficult way that yo-yos never flip over, at that time. Does it mean that I am talented in yo-yoing?

Begin to feel regret in dropping yo-yoing as my life-long occupation (w.
