只買了火狗工房的 Speed Up! 和海報 (附紙袋) 。
和上次秋祭一樣,又跟團契的聚會撞期了,而且還是我有侍奉 (領短詩) 的一日。結果等到領詩完畢後怱怱趕去,到達會場時已經四點半有多,拿不到 Aki 的簽名...。在會場逛不到兩個圈又要跑回去教會參加生日會 (雖然沒什麼好逛) ,累死了。
...不滿。沒有 Digimon X 的試玩。
Firedog Studio [火狗工房]
Asia Game Show 2004 -- 亞洲遊戲展 2004
klee - 英語版チュートリアル修正
I would like to switch to English for better understanding and convenience.
Regarding the descriptions of #stripe and #check :
Stripes background.
Check pattern background.
These can be simplified in favour of Adjectives stripy and checked , which give the same meanings.
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary: check (PATTERN)
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary: stripe (COLOURED STRIP)
Sorry for my weak english...
klee - rein 1.0.2 und rein OSX 1.0.1+ Released!
rein 在這個版本正式分家為 Mac OS X 版跟 Windows/Linux 版,看來楠見先生在解決 Mac 的顯示問題上有很大的決心。
そして、拡張用 CSS がいつのまにか 1000 行分にまで膨れてとんでもない事になってきました。
cite rein 1.0.2 und rein OSX 1.0.1+ Released!
剛剛在看 Eric 寫的 Uncollapsing Margins 。
Notice how close the content of the h1 gets to the top of the div's background area? You might expect that there would be twenty pixels of margin between the top of the h1 and the top of the div. Instead, the top margin of the h1 is actually "sticking out" of the div. The two margins actually overlap. THe same is true for the bottom margin of the p element and the bottom margin of the div.
cite Uncollapsing Margins
THe same is true for the bottom margin of the p element and the bottom margin of the div.
PLKLSP Form 5 First Term Test Time Table
2004-10-28 (Thu) 2004-10-29 (Fri) 2004-11-01 (Mon) 2004-11-02 (Tue)
T08:15 - 9:15 Mathematics Chemistry Physics
T10:15 - 11:15 Biology Add. Maths
After T13:50 English Language Computer Studies Chinese Language
剛剛在做 2002 的 CE Computer Studies Past paper ,竟然錯了兩條...。後來看看 Marker Report 更是讓人心傷...。
Candidates were very weak in answering questions about data structures, file structures snd organization, system operations, programming languages, programming techniques, and data reppesentaton.
Candidates were very good at answering questions about tracing the output of programs.
cite HKCEE 2001 COMPUTER STUDIES Paper 2 Examination Report
香港在培育 Debuggers 嗎...。
今次更新了八個 designs 。
Pseudo Sahara
Type Thing
El Collar de Tomas
contemporary nouveau
#129: Reference Card 被刪掉了。
ZG129: Reference Card
Pulled shortly after addition. (This is what happens when you don’t read the instructions, or, if you’re me, you forget to check after uploading.)
cite mezzoblue § October 22nd Dailies
css Zen Garden
rein: RSS のアイコンについて
1字文字化けしちゃってますがご了承ください。何故 A なのかということなのですが、Antenna の A です。
原...原來如此!是像 Antenna 這樣的東西啊,為確定而翻了一下字典。
an-ten-na 1 n -noe : a long thin sensitive hairlike organ, usu. in pairs, on the heads of some insects and animals than live in shells, and used to feel with
這樣的形容...難道說是... 觸手 ...!?
antenna 2 n -nas AmE : for AERIAL
AERIAL ,常識之內是天線的意思。用接收電波的天線比喻 RSS 的功能嗎,相當細心而貼切啊。
The editor of a local newspaper, Student Post, has invited readers to answer the questions. 'Do you think your parents really understand you?' Write a letter to the editor describing your feeling as a teenager about the attitudes of parents towards young people. You should discuss at least two of the following:
Staying out late with friends
What teenagers spend their money on
Being told to do the housework
Spending a long time on the computer
Keeping up with the latest fashions
Sign your letter C.Wong. Do not write an address.
klee - rein 0.7 Released!
已經是接近完成的版本,今次比較明顯的更新是新增了 Live Bookmark 的 icon 。
Live Bookmark...?
Live Bookmark 是 Firefox 1.0 的新功能,你可以用類 Bookmark 的方式對支援 SiteFeed 的網站進行 Headline 瀏覽。 Find it out...
rein 的 Live Bookmarks icon ,意味不明的 Tick...?
Mozilla Firefox Home
Firefox Theme "rein" releases page
Spending more time on internet than intended
Spending more than four hours a day online
Logging on to computer immediately after getting home
Family members complain about time spent online
Feelings of anxiety and annoyance when offline
Thinking about being online when offline
Prefering time on internet over time with family
Giving up other hobbies
Neglecting schoolwork or housework in favour of internet
Becoming more introveted over time
Getting irritated when disturbed while online
Tiredness, fatigue, sore eyes, back pain
Inability to concentrate on other matters
From: Mr. Mike Ato
Accra Ghana.
Beloved One,
My name is Mr. Mike Ato. I am the Eastern regional branch manager of Barclays Bank Ltd, Ghana in West
Africa.I do not want problems but I just hope you can assist me. I write you this letter in good faith.
I am in control of the sum of one million, eight hundred and fifty thousand US dollars ($1,850,000.00) which was
an excess of profit made by our regional eastern branch office in the last quarter of the year 2003, which I
have carefully placed in an Escrow Call Deposit Account and did not declare this to my head office.
Can I really trust you to hold this money for me until I arrive your country and pick it up myself and you deduct
30% of the total money as your commission. If you accept my offer you can contact me immediately. If you do
not accept can you forget I contacted you?
All I need is for you to get me a good current account in your bank where I can move this money. I will
discretely give you a...