That Music Baton.
記得一個月前,在閒閒沒事做力量的驅使下我寫了點有關 Music Baton 的東西;今天,這根邪惡的接力棒終於從 holsety 同學那裡傳到我手上了。
Total volume of music files on my computer:
The last CD I bought was:
Song playing right now:
JAM Project featuring 水木一郎 - TORNADO
Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
- 鳥の詩 by Lia
- Forever Blue by 今井ちひろ
- 創聖のアクエリオン by AKINO
- Forever... by savage genius
- ターゲット~赤い衝撃~ by 太田美知彦
Five people to whom I'm passing the baton:
沒錢敗 CD 啊...orz。
>>沒錢敗 CD 啊...orz。
你不能這樣阿 XD